"It is a wonderful feeling to know that a part of our son lives on and has provided someone else the gift of life."
"I am thankful that my husband was able to help you, and I pray that you have a long, happy, healthy life."
"My daughter was amazing. She loved to learn and help others. She was a great student and took honors classes. She loved to help her dad work on his ’69 cougar. She loved to do her little sister’s hair. She wanted to be an architect and build her own home. We are so thankful that she could help others and live on."
"I wish you a good recovery with having received your new heart. I am proud to inform you that my mother had a very generous, loving, caring and compassionate heart."
Include your full name and the name and date of death of your loved one, and email our Family Aftercare Coordinators.
Place your letter or card in an unsealed envelope. Include a separate piece of paper with your full name and the name and date of death of your loved one.
ATTN: Family Aftercare Coordinator
480 West Dussel Drive
Suite 155
Maumee, OH 43537
Allow extra mailing time.
A Family Aftercare Coordinator will forward your letter or card to your loved one’s recipient’s transplant center or to another organ procurement organization, so your correspondence may take a few weeks to reach the recipient.
Will I hear from my loved one’s recipients?
Just as some donor families prefer privacy and choose not to write, a recipient may not write or respond. Some transplant recipients have shared that the life-saving gift can be overwhelming, and it is difficult for them to express their gratitude in words. Whether you receive communication from your loved one’s recipient(s) or not, please know that his or her gifts of donation are received with hope and gratitude.
Dear Donor Family,
I am the recipient of your loved one’s kidney. I have been married for 12 years and have two children. I look forward to being active with my kids again.
I have tried many times to write a letter to you but never felt that I could find the right words. I have a new life thanks to your wonderful gift. I pray for your family and pray more people would have the kindness you have displayed.
I would love to hear more about my donor and your family, but if not, I respect your privacy.
Your loved one is truly my hero. I will be forever grateful for the selfless act of kindness that has given me a second chance at life.
With gratitude,
Your husband’s kidney recipient
Include your full name, type of organ transplant and date of organ transplant, and email our Family Aftercare Coordinators.
Place your letter or card in an unsealed envelope. Include a separate piece of paper with your full name, type of organ transplant and date of organ transplant.
ATTN: Family Aftercare Coordinator
480 West Dussel Drive
Suite 155
Maumee, OH 43537
Allow extra mailing time.
A Family Aftercare Coordinator will forward your letter or card to your donor family.
Will I hear from my donor family?
Just as some recipients prefer privacy and choose not to write, a donor family may not write or respond. Whether you receive communication from your donor family or not, we encourage you to share how grateful you are for your gift of life and renewed health. While some recipients struggle to express their gratitude in words, many donor families have shared how comforted they are reading the words “thank you” from their loved one’s recipients.